Moving into a new home can be both exciting and incredibly stressful. It’s actually a very challenging process, making it physically, mentally, and sometimes even emotionally exhausting. During the moving process, there’s nothing worse than triggering an emotional breakdown because the packed box you just picked up split open in your arms, or because you absolutely cannot find something you desperately need. Following these packing tips, including taking advantage of Northern Beaches storage from EJ Shaw Storage, can make moving house a little more manageable.

Packing tips to make moving easier

We’re all faced with the daunting task of moving house at one point in our lives. The following tips can help make an otherwise stressful event a little easier to deal with.

Have all the necessary supplies on hand

You don’t want to get halfway through packing up your home only to realise you’ve run out of packing tape or boxes. Having to constantly go back and forth between your home and the store isn’t necessarily difficult, but it is inconvenient and time-consuming. Make sure you take the time to plan out what supplies you need beforehand to ensure you don’t run out of anything. While this level of planning might seem excessive, it could save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run.

Leave essentials easily accessible

There are going to be items that are essential to your everyday life that you shouldn’t pack. Pack a separate bag full of your essentials, and make sure this bag is clearly separated from the other boxes. Make sure you leave out at least one complete changes of clothes, as well as pyjamas and the necessary toiletries, such as deodorant and your toothbrush. You might also need to take medications, and packing these in a box will make them too difficult to find. Other items you might consider leaving out are your phone charger and a few snacks.

Pack breakable items inside clothing

It can be hard to determine how much bubble wrap you’re going to need to wrap you fragile items, even if you’ve put the effort in when planning out your supplies. If you start to run out of protective material, you can use the soft fabrics you have on hand instead. Wrap your breakables in tea-towels and clothes to protect them. This can save you time and money.

Store items in Northern Beaches storage

Northern Beaches storage from EJ Shaw Storage offers a clean, dry, and completely secure environment to store your belongings. As you start to pack up your house, you might find large items, such as your furniture pieces, are getting in the way too often. If this is the case, moving them into a storage unit can help.

With a storage item, you can move the packed boxes you don’t need to access very often out of the way months ahead of moving day. For example, seasonal items like your winter coats or Christmas decorations can be kept in Northern Beaches storage. This will help you get ahead of the packing process without having to store packed boxes in your home.

We all have to move house at one point or another, and while it can be very stressful, these tips can make the process more manageable. If you’re looking to start moving house soon, contact the team of storage experts at EJ Shaw Storage today to learn more about your storage options.

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